If you were a cupcake, would you wear makeup?

With the week coming to an end, the computing group was back at SIM with John teaching their teachers more advanced uses of word, along with an intro to excel.  We found that as soon as they picked up basics of word, they can use the computer in general with more ease and were able to discover more things with word and excel.  After we taught the teachers for the school in the morning, we went back in the afternoon to install Windows along with Microsoft office on some of the machines, updating a few from Windows 98 to Windows XP.  We have one more day with John, hoping to update and install the software on the rest of the computers we have that are outdate.

Katie, Dani, Lauren and Angela were able to go see Angela's Compassion child, Abby, at Abby's Compassion center. We were greeted warmly and offered the porridge the children would eat for breakfast (made of ground millet with some sugar). Let's say this would not be a preferred breakfast food among our group. Unlike Katie's Compassion visit last Thursday, the Education group did not observe classrooms. Instead, they played recess like games with the kids. Hand clapping games, such as Miss Mary Mack and others, were an exciting event with the kids. There is no better feeling than watching children smile, and they sure did at our hand games along with seeing themselves in our pictures we took. Once back at the SIM guest house, preparations were made for a lunch including Abby, one of her friends and her case worker along with Gal-yam (Katie's child), one of his friends and his case worker. Traditional American hamburgers, french fries and cupcakes were the food of choice and the kids enjoyed the meal. Decorating the cupcakes, playing with balloons, coloring, playing in the sand box (more like dirt/dust box), playing bowling and swinging were other highlights of the visit. This was a great opportunity for both Katie and Angela to interact with their own sponsor child. Gal-yam, Abby, and their friends enjoyed a goodbye gift of a balloon with a piece of dental floss (in place of string). Oh, the joys of simple things.

As we wrap up a productive week, we ask for prayers for Doug and Angela who will be starting their journey to Mahadaga early tomorrow morning where they will be until Monday visiting the Engineering group (and Kate).

Love you all and goodnight from Ouaga!

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MManieri-RarelyCheckedEmailAcnt said...

Ummm, interesting question...I usually like things more on the plain side (like Christmas balls, clothes etc) but cupcakes... yes def. with make-up!
You are all doing such an amazing job in Burkina Faso. How wonderful to be able to meet your sponsor child/children! Enjoy every moment of this amazing journey. God bless- Cornelia Manieri (Kevin's mom)

deb said...

Thanks for your prayers for Doug and Angela who traveled to Mahadaga today. They left at 8:30 a.m. and arrived at 5 p.m. tonight, safe and sound. :)

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